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Urban contructions

Urban cobblestones


Kersbtones, pavings & urban cobblestones

Since the time of Napoleon, the French have left their indelible mark in the field of design and architecture. Building on this heritage, for more than 30 years at Carrière de Luget, we have instilled this passion into the heart of your streets. Our achievements dating back to the 1990s demonstrate unshakeable stability, solid quality that endures.

La Rochelle, Île de Ré, Châtellerault, Surgères, Marennes and even Fouras, so many towns which place their trust in us to magnify their arteries with French natural stones. Curbs, urban paving stones, sidewalk slabs, ports… thanks to our contribution, these cities now benefit from beautifully designed streets that transform simple walking into a real city experience.